Our Soul, Soul Purpose & Soul Mates

Priya Rathore
5 min readJun 10, 2021


Human life is consciousness manifested in a physical body. It is no coincidence to have been born to a certain type of family (your soul mates; yes your parents, siblings, friends, even your pet are your soul mates, one’s you’re meant to cross paths with, brief or long periods).

Disclaimer: Written word presented here comes from personal understanding, perception and wisdom I’ve attained treading my own, unique rollercoaster journey called Life up until now. The stimulus of pain, pleasure, emotions, thoughts, situations one experiences in their own unique ways. Hence any contradictory idea/opinion/experiences are more than welcome as a discussion to this and any other pieces of writing published on my page. I appreciate your time and energy, if you choose to present your unique perspective on my piece of writing in the discussion section :)

What is a Soul?

The idea of a SOUL has always intrigued me. One can only feel it within or experience it closely. We can most closely equate it to Consciousness. Something that is within us. That gives life to our physical body. This is how we may feel it. How would one experience it’s presence? One may wonder! Unfortunately, I have witnessed it’s presence during the death of my pet dog, Rinku: a bubbly, loving, heart warming, affectionate, kind, unconditionally loving, and a breathing living being (a maltese breed; for you curious souls :)). Life and death are those major events destined by the Universe. And it is in the moment of the latter, you get to ‘experience’ the reality of a Soul! Rinku laid calmly for hours on my lap as he approached his last few moments on Earth. I could feel his breath, see his eyes looking at mine, his love pouring in my lap as he rested his face on. Here I was feeling his presence in the moment, oblivious to his approaching end, feeling his dullness, an unusual sight, patting him with love, feeling him ALIVE. As the clock strikes 16:00 on 13th June 2010, he was….OUT!? I was shocked!!

Soul is our Consciousness. The ‘current’ that brings life (light) to our physical body (bulb). Without it, we are simply a dead matter!

This was my first hand, close experience to the concept of Soul. Like a light switched off, a ‘thing’ or ‘’element’ that gave LIFE to my Rinku, had left his physical body. Loss of a soul mate: especially one you’ve always had a pleasant, loving and heart warming exchanges with, is the hardest human emotion one has to go through. The longer the soul mate journey, the deeper the pain!

This soul mate loss, just counts towards handful other painful soul separations I’ve had to bare to this point in life. It is important to mention here that just as we have multiple soul mates (not just romantic, but any brief/long term connection we share with a living being during our lifetime), death of a soul mate is the worst yet not the only form of loss. We separate from our soul mates in different ways when our paths with them diverge. Such as breaking up with a long term partner, losing touch with a close best friend or our favorite work colleague when changing a job after years.

Soul Mates: Every person that crosses our path during this lifetime is our Soul mate. There is this preconceived notion of lovers in a romantic connection identified as soul mates. This is just one among many other soul mates we have in this lifetime. Soul mates need not be romantic partners only, as eluded earlier, they can be your best friend, your parents, cousins, pets or co-workers you share an equation with.

All connections and encounters we experience in this lifetime with someone (or a soul) is destined and has a purpose.

Soul Purpose & Soul Mates: They say we’ve all come here, on this planet, with some unique Purpose, a Soul Purpose. This usually manifests gradually in our lives in divine timing in the form of our creative interests, career path we choose, contributions we make and ultimately leads us to fulfilling some task our soul was meant to fulfill in this lifetime. Whether it’s Doctors and nurses healing the diseased, Engineers building architectures essential to build a human society, Actors entertaining the humanity, Comedians spreading laughter to help cope distress, Painters and artistes spreading the joy of creativity through art, even the tiniest of ant works hard day and night in teams for food, the still flower that spreads love and joy with it’s colors or the tall standing tree that shelters birds and relieves someone in it’s shade by simply being!

Just being our authentic selves, truly expressing ourselves at all times, is all we must do to fulfill our life purpose. In this age of excessive competition, expectations from our parents/mentors/ employer/ society in general, being ourselves can prove to be: The most challenging thing to do!

One can get unconsciously caught up in a vicious cycle of trying to prove ourselves, our capacities to others while growing up. We’re all at different levels of awakening or soul’s awareness at different points of our life. Awakening can be thought of as ripples in a wave of time (like ripples in water). With time, the ripples expand and grow larger. Our experiences as we grow older, expose us to things we were once unaware of leading to opening our eyes.

Soul mates have a crucial role to play in the awakening process and fulfillment of our soul’s purpose

We must be awakened to fulfill our ultimate purpose, whatever and however small or big it may be. Our soul mates, the people we come across in our lives, play a critical role in helping us unravel a part of ourselves, reach a new height, grow into a newer version of ourselves, discover an unchartered territory within ourselves — help shed light to the unvisited part of the Universe within us. We share soul contracts with people based on Karma or actions performed during encounters with their soul in other lifetimes.

I’ve come to believe the idea of multiple lifetimes from deep, strong bonds I’ve shared with certain people in life, an instantaneous feeling of having known someone before even though you just met them and feeling the safety and familiarity of home in someone.

One must have an awakened sense, be present and an observant consciousness to realize that whatever we experience, whoever we meet, the relationships we build, the pain, loss, grief, happiness, anger, sadness we experience, the things we do and learn with our soul mates are all orchestrated. The power of choices in life is an illusion. One way or the other, we are meant to experience what our soul is destined to, learn and grow with soul mates that are put in our lives and create unique karma during the process. Ultimately accumulating new karmic soul contracts with our soul mates to fulfill in upcoming lifetimes.

Painful, unwanted endings always bring bright, new beginnings. A new soul mate, new soul experience! Stay hopeful & optimistic in your soul’s awakening process!

As painful it is to separate from a soul mate, believe that they’ve fulfilled their purpose in this lifetime, until next time….. :)



Priya Rathore

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