Love, Karma & Soul Contracts

Priya Rathore
4 min readMar 3, 2022
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The concept of Karma and karmic soul contracts is vital to understanding why things, people and events happen in our life the way they do, good and bad. Awakening to the core reality of why we exist here, what are we here for, lies in understanding the basic unit of life, i.e. the Soul. I have discussed briefly on this broad topic in an earlier post. Soul is an energetic matter that brings life to our otherwise hollow body made up of primary chemical elements, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen. Remove the light (soul) from the body, it becomes a deadly, dark empty room.

Another primary component that drives our life (soul) is the heart. No wonder one feels ‘lonely at the top’, ‘an inexplicable emptiness within’ or plain unhappiness and unfulfillment without Love. This isn’t to say one cannot live happily all alone. But as humans, we are wired to derive satisfaction from Love which may exist in different sources for different people based on their personalities. Love of self for the introverted, love of God for the religious, love of social interactions for the extroverted, love of family and friends, love of pets, love of art, and the list is never-ending, add to your liking.

It is therefore evidently clear that Love is the primary fuel that drives our souls, gives meaning and purpose to our existence in some or the other way. Love is to soul as is oxygen to the body, salt to the food — dead, blunt and tasteless otherwise. It is the prime essence to our existence, the source to our physical being on this planet. It is an act, a feeling, an emotion, an undescribable bond, an energetic tie between two souls that is divinely orchestrated. Deep down, our soul lives and yearns to be with its destined partner, a soulmate who feels home, who sees through our superficial 3D existence, the one who can feel us independent of assistive tools of language, logic or interpretation, one who compliments our soul existence like a beautiful symphony, a magical synergy of two energetic bodies that were meant to co-exist.

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Such divine co-existence between two souls is fulfillment of a pre-orchestrated destiny, a universal manifestation that is meant to happen at a certain point of time. In fact, nothing in life is a mere coincidence, specially when it comes to the people that we meet. I’ve eluded on the fact that humans have multiple soul mates based on their KARMA in previous lifetimes (as soul contracts emerging from our karma/deeds) in an earlier post. The concept of karma is simple, you reap what you sow, you get what you put out. You will get as much love as you put out and as much hatred as you exude. Following this, if you’ve wronged a soul, morally, even if no one saw, you shall repay the debts of your sin. Similarly, if you’ve betrayed someone, backstabbed them, expressed jealousy, envy, hatred or any imaginable hurtful sin, it shall come back to you. Depending on the graveness of the act committed against the other soul, you may suffer multi-fold of painful return of your karma. These are the soul contracts we all have and must complete in this or following lifetimes. This concept is discussed in some religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.

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One does not have to follow a certain religion to accept this reality of life. Even if you are an Atheist (who does not believe in the existence of God/higher power) you can easily test this universal law of Karma. Conduct a small experiment, do something immoral and notice any mishap occur in your life sooner or later. One has to be conscious enough to reflect back and analyze occurrence of events in their life in order to validate this fact.

Our thoughts and desires fuel our Karma in the present. While our values, learned behavior, conditioned beliefs and most importantly past experiences drive our Karma whilst dealing with our soulmates (people we cross paths with or share a soul contract with). We either meet people in the form of our soulmates to clear past Karma to resolve a soul contract from a previous lifetime or create new contracts in this lifetime. The former is evident from instances where one may instantly feel drawn to someone they just met or experience an inexplicable familiarity to the other without having known them much. When the bond goes beyond chemistry or passion (in opposite sex), this attests the fact that the bond is spiritual and pre-destined. Such bonds are often referred to as Karmic relationships.

Soul contracts are a result of Karma from past lifetimes- an unfinished saga of two souls that continues in the present with intense & inexplicable karmic relationships.



Priya Rathore

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